Monday, October 18, 2010

On Horrible Tragedies To Kittens...

Hello again. Nothing fun and fishy today. No, today I am going to shit on you. Today I attempt to ruin your life.

Does that sound fair?? What gives me the right anyway?? What did you do to deserve this??

Nothing. Nothing at all.

That's the point. You see, it seems to me that people believe in this fairness idea. They think that they should be given an equal share or chance. Why?? What for??

We all do it though. We all think if we have a shitty day, that tomorrow will be a better one. It will be, (unless it's not), but it's not going to be better to make up for the shitty one you had. The shitty one was just a shitty one, and tomorrow may simply not be a shitty one. There really is no difference in the days, only how you see them.

This reminds me of watching people at a cross walk. They sit and stare at a light that tells them it's safe to cross. But is it?? How does this light know anything? It's a fucking light. It's a signal that tells the cars to stop, and the people to cross, but what if someone doesn't listen to that light?? What if you walked out into that street and were hit by a car. Is it your fault? Is it the drivers fault?? Does it depend on the colour of the light at the time?

Know what I think? It's all of our faults. We have conditioned ourselves to trust these little things like they somehow have our best interest at heart. But here's the thing. They have no hearts. They are just days...they don't care, they don't look out for us, they don't do a god damn thing.

As a group we get together and create these helpful little things like cross walks and traffic lights. We think they keep us safe, but they don't. We do, we keep ourselves safe by following the rules we have set for ourselves. But we don't know this anymore, we don't think about it like this. We think that someone else out there somehow knew what the best solution was, and put in in place. The result is that we avoid being responsible for ourselves.

How many times has someone walked out on a cross walk assuming the cars will stop, and when they don't, they yell at them that it's a cross walk?? Call them fuckers and shake their tiny little fists at them? Why didn't they look around and judge if it was safe or not? Why did they trust paint on a road and lights hanging in the sky to somehow keep them safe?? Is it really ok to be hit by a car, or to hit someone with a car, and it not be your fault? Shouldn't that be called retarded?? Shouldn't anyone who can't watch out for themselves enough to not get hit or hit people with cars be called a retard??

Nothing against handicapped people here, they know how to cross the fucking street. I'm straight up calling 'normal' people pants on head retarded here.

Anyway, back to the point I'm trying to make. The thing is, we have these little systems to keep us 'safe', and we do the same things inside our own heads. Thinking there is a balance and structure to our lives. We think that if we're nice, good things will happen, and bad things will happen to the dickfucktards we all have in our lives.

It doesn't work like that though. Chances are the dickfucktards are confident (or at least do a good impression) and that confidence will be a huge help to them. Doesn't mean they wont walk into traffic one day and get hit by a car either. But what is does mean is that most people will be at their funeral cause it's better than going to work that day.

And the nice people do tend to have their karma come back around. Know why?? Being nice is a good thing. People appreciate it, and if you are genuine and honest, when life shits on you, and you need help, all those people you were nice to will offer it. Unless their dickfucktards...

What I'm saying is, Karma isn't some energy floating around balancing out your life. What we think of as karma is the natural byproduct of people getting to know who you really are.

So how does this relate to fairness?? I don't think such a thing really exists. I think it is an illusion. Something we dreamt up for ourselves so we don't have to admit that we have no idea what is coming. There's just as big a chance it's more shit than it is something good, which is terrifying. It's much nicer to think that any shit that happens will be balanced out later with good stuff. Some folks even think if things are going well then shit must be coming.

I say just roll with it. See how your day goes. Don't compare it to yesterday, yesterday is gone, it only exists in your memory, and a billion other peoples memories. It was a shitty day, and a great day, Tomorrow will be the best day ever, and a cat is going to be hit by a bus as in front of someone who loves it. It's going to be a day., and that's all we really know about it.

Now Really, if Fairness existed, this picture would not.

Besides, if you never had a bad day, you wouldn't feel so good when you have a great one. Maybe don't worry so much about what is coming, or what is owed you.

Why not try making today better than yesterday?


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